Wednesday, November 6, 2013

3 Days until the Wine & Dine Half Marathon!

As you know, I haven't been training for the upcoming Wine & Dine Half Marathon.  I feel like I can do 1/1 intervals and maintain a 16 minute mile, so while I am not very happy with myself, I am feeling like I can finish ahead of the sweepers.

I can choose to feel one of two ways about this:

1) Worried and bummed out because I could have made this an effortless run and maybe gotten a PR, or at least had more time for photo ops along the route; or

2) Relaxed and happy that I am not pushing myself and just taking it as it comes with maximum enjoyment.

I do believe I will choose the latter.  In my previous Disney races, I was so stressed and while they were fun, I over-thought everything - from my pace to costuming.  I didn't appreciate the experience enough.  This time, I am going to go into this race feeling excited, grateful, and relaxed!

Plus, I get to run through this:

I'm actually getting pretty excited!  It won't be totally easy, but I don't have to make it harder than it needs to be.  I have a last minute costume idea (if it works out, cool - if not, I have a Sparkle Skirt and top to wear) and I get a whole week at WDW after the race.  How can I stress about that?!?

Lastly, I found this cute article online about 37 of the happiest things you see while running a race and it makes me remember the fun and wonderful parts of running.  I am going to have a good time!  I am going to forgive myself for not training harder and go get this done.  When I get home, I am recommitting to many things that I need to move my life forward - including training my butt off for my 2014 races.

It's on - starting NOW!

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