
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The weather is trying to sabotage me!

FACT: Mother Nature wants me to be fat and lazy.

I was all prepared to ride the momentum of my one consistent week of working out, and darned if it didn't sleet up my streets and cancel school Monday and Tuesday.  The gym was closed so I couldn't go swim and the kids were all up in my biz, so I didn't run.  I'm so upset!  Mostly in myself for not locking the kids in a closet with their iPads and throwing in some Oreos to keep them busy while I eeked out an hour to get a small run in.

So, I have to restart my enthusiasm for squishing my lard into a swim suit and try again tomorrow.

Hopefully, winter is over.  I need to run and ride outside!  Especially because today I registered for two races!  Coming up first is an Olympic Triathlon at the end of April.  Second, and more exciting, is the Wine & Dine Half Marathon at Walt Disney World in early November.  This means I am all set to get my Coast to Coast medal!  WooHoo!!

Are you SICK OF WINTER??  Or are you hard core and run in the cold??


  1. I hate running in the cold, and it's not even very cold where I live! I wouldn't blame anyone for just hibernating through the winter if you have to deal with snow and ice!

    1. It's not that cold here either, I just HAAAAATE it. And hibernating does sound so inviting!!

  2. OMG...your graphic just cracked me up. I feel the same way. I think Mother Nature has decided that she wants me to stay in sweats and not get rid of the extra weight I've gained. I've tried to be hard core but only if it doesn't mean taxing my lungs in the cold. I think 10 degrees is pushing it for me.

    1. I start whining at 55 degrees, so you are pretty darned hard core in my book!
