
Monday, October 14, 2013

Blogging on the move!

I downloaded the Blogger app as I sit here in the airport. I am headed to Boston for three days.  Training is on hold since I packed light and that means no running shoes or clothes. I work on my feet for 12+ hours on two of the days and fly home the third, so I think of that as somewhat of an endurance challenge. 

I feel like I have had a mini epiphany in my running over the past few days. I never seem to be able to maintain a run for longer than 3 minutes before intervaling and/or I stop intervals and only walk at about the halfway point of any distance. I know this is all mental and I need to break through this barrier. I believe I have a new mental tool to try next time I want to give in to walking and I can't wait to try it when I get home. Wil wants to start going to the gym after school so I'm excited to get the kids into a workout routine as well. The next 4 weeks are going to be kinda crazy, though, and not very routine. But... We'll do the best we can. 

Here's a pic of me and Zaine to see if I can make photos work with the mobile app:

I'm pretty sure I have "crazy eyes" in this photo!  

Ok, so I have a new mental outlook on running and a new plan to start hopefully on Wednesday. Until then, it's travel and balloons for me!

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