
Friday, November 25, 2011

Workin' off that turkey!

Did W3D2 today on treadmill:

I walked 1.63 miles in 30 minutes
Walk Pace - 18.50/mile
Run Pace - 15.00/mile

I ran the first 90 seconds, but for the 3 minutes, I ran the first and last minute with walking inbetween. I am definitely repeating Week 3 until I can run the total 3 minutes both times. I slowed down on my walking since my kneezles hurt. I iced them right after running, but they are sore now.

I've been at this for 4 weeks now and I thought I would be farther along... getting in better shape. I guess it doesn't happen overnight. I just want to be able to sail through C25K and I am not. It's discouraging, but I need to keep chipping away at it. Ultimately, I have more than a year to get 1/2 marathon ready so I don't really need to rush it. Right?

Sigh. I just didn't know it was going to be so hard this soon. I thought my major challenge would be Week 5 when I have to run for 20 minutes. Maybe C25K isn't the plan for me? I don't know...

All I do know is that I have to keep moving forward.

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